Tuesday, February 28, 2012

BFFMOH to the rescue!

BFFMOH is my internet lingo that I just made up because I'm super cool. Obviously (because it's not hard to figure out) my best friend forever maid of honor is what it stands for. Why is she to the rescue you ask? Because she fancied up this little website of mine! I'm sure you couldn't contain your "oohs" and "aahs" when you first visited this website so please direct said "oohs" and "aahs" towards her because I had nothing to do with it! So, thanks BFFMOHBEEFF for my pretty website design!

Exciting news on the wedding front! We have officially booked our church! We also changed the date of our wedding a bit because of the lovely weekend concert of Bonnaroo. Bonnaroo is an outdoor music festival held every year in June right near Marshall's hometown. It is usually held the second week (12, 13, 14 thereabouts) but this year it was moved up to the first weekend. Because we didn't want any conflicts, we decided to move our wedding to the end of June. So, now our wedding date is June 22, 2013! Hooray!

Back to the church. It's a little Catholic church near Marshall's house. Stone exterior. Purple double doors.  Rolling hills. Perfect. Just see for yourself:

[stolen from a Google search]
Apart from that, I've been slacking. I need to make some phone calls and figure out pricing but... obviously that has not been done yet. I know, I know, I'll get on it. I did get an e-mail saying that my veil has already come in and that I need to come pick it up. Exciting! However, the store is two and a half hours away so I'm going to ask if they can hold it until my dress comes in. Cross your fingers they will allow it!

Marshall and I have been working on getting in INSANE shape (ha, see what I did there?) The first day was tough. The second day was tough simply because I was so sore. But overall, I really like it. As sore as I am the next day, it's a rewarding feeling. My favorite part is the stretching (which just so happens to be Marshall's least favorite part because he's not flexible) I wouldn't care about not being flexible! It feels nice to stretch AND you get a bit of a rest! My sister ended up buying it too so now we can all be in perfect wedding shape! (stop laughing.)

Sooner or later, Marshall and I will be getting our engagement pictures done. Can't wait to get that done and show you what we have in mind!

[Here's a picture of my handsome nephew going all Risky Business on us to cheer you up on this slow-moving Tuesday]
He ain't got no pants!

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