1.) Filling out applications stink. Especially when you've already filled out all of them before and none of them are online applications. Needless to say, my hand hurts. A lot. *Oh the things we do for a teaching job* I'm in the process of applying to 12 different school districts/schools. One of them HAS to hire me, right? RIGHT?! Please say yes. There's only so much "I'm sorry your carrier sucks at life. I'll give you credit for the past two weeks you've missed" that I can handle. I NEED a teaching job.
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I work hard for the [potential] money! |
I can't help but think that I'm a better candidate than others simply because I am certified to teach in two states. Sometimes I just want to say to the other applicants, "Well, can YOU teach in someplace other than Texas? No? Oh, that's a shame. Because I can." Maybe that will instill some fear into them thus making their interview not go well and giving me another advantage. But alas, it doesn't work that way.
The applications themselves are pretty easy. The best part is that they all follow the same format or are the same application just with a different school district. The worst part is that they all follow the same format or are the same application just with a different school district. It gets so tedious to fill out the same stuff over and over and over again. But the end result is quite nice if all goes well!
2.) I have been reading my friend Katie's blog about makeup. If you know me at all, you know I've never been a huge girly girl. In high school, I only wore powdered foundation. It wasn't until college that I discovered eye liner (now, I feel naked without it.) So, I feel as if I'm moving up in life because I now wear makeup regularly. I would love to be able to experiment more with makeup but I have two dilemmas. One, makeup can be so expensive and it adds up quickly! Two, I enjoy sleep way too much in the morning to wake up earlier to do more makeup. See what I mean? It's definitely a dilemma. Until I solve my issues (well, this one at least) I will continue to read Katie's blog and live vicariously through her. (You should, too! Read it, not live vicariously through her. That's creepy especially if you don't know her.)
3.) Marshall and I became parents to two grown-up kitties yesterday. For the first time, we decided to let the cats outside by themselves. As soon as we opened the door, the cats ran out. We closed the door and ran to the window and watched them. Eventually, we moved outside and sat on the patio and watched them closer. I felt like a parent to a teenage daughter who just went out on her first date and I couldn't leave her alone. Although, it was quite a good feeling when you open the door and yell their names and they come running in as if they've missed you terribly (or that it started raining and it was dinner time.)
4.) Last, but not least, what this blog originally started with: wedding planning. I have been working on our guest list and much like teaching applications, it's a very tedious process. They have sheets to tell you who you should or shouldn't invite to your wedding. Who should be put on the A list or the B list. If it were up to me and money was not an object, everyone would be able to come. Then, with us getting married in Tennessee and living in Texas and being from Virginia, there is a lot of travel. If you invite 200 people, how many of them will be willing to travel? If you invite more thinking many will decline, what happens if more people decide to come? Any married or engaged friends have any insight? I'd greatly appreciate it.
Phew. Long blog. Now it's time to get into wedding shape (HA!) by playing Wii Zumba.
Thanks for the linky!!! Guest lists are tough. For ours we invited like 250 and ended up with about 125. Having a lot of traveling guests will probably keep your number down. It really is a guessing game. I think they say to plan for about 75 percent of the people you invite to come, but in my case we ended up way under, due to a lot of traveling guests.